Post 5: Changes to my study programme

Ahhhh... well. I am not sure how I can improve the programme at all, especially because ever since I started English in School up to High School, we always, and I mean ALWAYS got stuck in the verb to be, I had to learn English on my own with video games and joining online forums and watching English-speaking YouTubers. With the years I ended up knowing the language way above the rest that it was just free time in a way, this is the first time I have got actual English classes that challenge me in a way, so this is my first "proper" class. In my opinion, the way it's been done is very good, especially in the fact that various homework requires one to speak the language instead of simply "question with alternatives" kind of deal-... Oh, wait, this is for my current career and not just the English class? My bad. In that case, I believe that the faculty most of my classes are in is pretty horrible compared to the other ones, and it requires *a lot* of attention, and I mean a lot. At the start of the year, many students complained about the poor condition and the lack of rooms, especially the rooms with pianos that are either out of tune or the keys straight up don't work. The facility is in such a poor state that at any moment the electric panels could blow up and for that reason, we had a two-week strike. I have not had any problem with them yet, but according to many the elevators constantly fail and at some point fall with people inside. There are also some teachers that straight up are... too hard? In the sense that they have kind of an outdated mindset and "we are here to teach you how to be professionals, not to learn the piano". That was such a dumb mindset that straight-up made me get out of Taller de Teclado. There are also a few teachers that have a LOT of work but don't have any assistance so when you email them asking for feedback they excuse themselves with "too late" or "too busy", I believe there has to be at least 1 per class. That way, there's going to be extra face-to-face classes for the students that have a hard time learning on their own in the home. As for the curriculum... I would remove a few "historical" classes. I am not a big fan of those at all ESPECIALLY when they ask me to see something like that in a "political" mindset, I already have a hard time trying to ignore the real world, I don't want to put those problems on what I like... It's not on the "I don't want everything political" idea, but rather "I don't want to see how X would have seen in a certain period"


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